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Learn more about ADHD clinical trials and research studies.
Read Dr. Rabiner’s article about dieting and ADHD.
Find out if treatment improves academic outcomes in children with ADHD.
A closer look at ADD/ADHD effects on communication through: Talk the Talk, Speech and ADHD, Communication and ADHD, Pragmatics and ADHD, and Actions Speak Louder than Words.
Service offerings through coaching.
DSM-5 Criteria for diagnosing ADHD.
Audio presentation by Dr. Richard Gallagher on the pros and cons of Neuropsychological assessments for your ADHD student
A comprehensive guide for diagnosing ADHD, various treatment methods, and information on support for parents of children with ADHD.
Fill out this form and bring it to your healthcare provider. It will help to change or adjust your medication regime.