by Sarah D. Wright
Finally, a book devoted to the value of ADHD Coaching, from its birth and history to its proven benefits and lasting impact on individuals, their families and careers.  ADHD Coaching Matters – The Definitive Guide is written and compiled by Sara Wright, herself a leading ADHD coach with over twenty years of experience, who has been on the forefront of developing this profession. It is first book to chronicle the history and need for ADHD coaching, backing up her statements with actual evidence-based research demonstrating how and why coaching works to help both students and adults overcome the challenges of ADD/ADHD/EFD and related issues.
A must-read, not only for established coaches (and those thinking of entering into the profession), but for individuals looking to gain a better understanding of coaching and its unique benefits. The book offers individuals ways to locate ADHD coaches, make an informed decision on selecting the coach best suited to them, and determine the efficacy of their coaching. The seasoned coach will learn how to fine tune their coaching to best help this population, where to get additional education to specialize in ADHD coaching, organizations worth joining, credentialing requirements, insurance options and more.
As executive director of The ADD Resource Center, co-founder and chair of CHADD of New York City and as a long-time ADHD coach, I am impressed by Sara Wright’s intelligent, thorough and very readable approach. I highly recommend this book to existing coaches, prospective ones and to anyone interested in learning how a profession that did not exist 25 years ago has become one of the most successful methods of treating ADHD.
By: Melissa Orlov
This book is a must-read for couples who want a healthy, loving relationship. Written for both the reader with ADD/ADHD and without, The Couple’s Guide to Thriving with ADHD does an excellent job of explaining the intricate ways ADHD can affect couples.
Easy to read, the authors offer an insightful look at the most common ‘hot-spots’ (both obvious and subtle), that couples need to recognize and work through, in order to maintain and strengthen their relationship.
The book does more than provide a better understanding of ADHD and its effect on couples. It digs deeper, to offer invaluable, practical tips and techniques for dealing with those issues.  This is a guidebook to a happier, healthier relationship.  It will help reduce stress and bring back the affection and romance that often gets lost in the struggles of ADHD.
By:Â Â Norma Doft Ph.D
Children face many challenges on the path from infancy to adulthood, and sometimes these prove to be more than they can cope with. When this happens, a parent may have to make the difficult decision to seek professional help. Collaborating with New York freelancer Aria, Doft, a child psychologist, provides valuable guidelines for parents to use in determining whether a child is feeling unduly harsh growing pains, and when professional intervention is needed. She suggests how to choose the therapist best suited to the needs of a young patient. And she mentions many examples from her own experience to illustrate not only what a child is likely to experience in therapy, but what a parent’s role should be. Doft devotes a lot of attention to the contributions of parents to successful therapy: where they should bolster the work being done, and how they can cope with concomitant problems of their own. Finally, she discusses progress, regression and terminating therapy. Recognizing that a child needs emotional help may be a wrenching step to take, but Doft’s book will reassure parents who must take it.
Copyright 1991 Reed Business Information, Inc. Â From Publishers Weekly
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