
What percentage of children who are diagnosed with ADHD as a child eventually outgrow it as an adult?

What percentage of children who are diagnosed with ADHD as a child eventually outgrow it as an adult?

3 months ago

ADHD or Bad Parenting: How to Respond to Misinformed Relatives

Navigating the complexities of ADHD, often confused with bad parenting, is fraught with misunderstandings and negative comments from relatives. If…

4 months ago

What Do You Now Do if You Threatened an Unreasonable Consequence for Your Child?

Threatening unreasonable consequences can significantly impact children's emotional well-being and their relationship with their parents. When parents use threats as…

5 months ago

So You Just Flunked Out of School.

Flunking out of school can be a devastating blow, filled with emotions and uncertainty about the future. One of the…

7 months ago

Understanding Loneliness and ADHD

Loneliness is a common experience that can be felt by anyone, regardless of age, gender, or background. It is a…

10 months ago

Letter To Mom and Dad From Your Child

An important email from your child to you.

10 months ago

What can you do to get a quicker appointment with your child’s doctor when you are told there is a many-month wait?

As a concerned parent, it can be frustrating and worrisome when you are told that there is a many-month wait…

10 months ago

Do Children With ADHD Lie More Than Children Without ADHD, And If So, Why?

Research suggests that children with ADHD may engage in lying behavior more frequently than their peers without ADHD.

11 months ago

I Love My Child, But I Hate Him When He Misbehaves. Could I Be a Bad Mother?

Motherhood is a complex and emotional journey. It is a rollercoaster of love, joy, frustration, and sometimes even anger. As…

11 months ago

What do you do when your child is being bullied at school?

Bullying can take various forms, including physical, verbal, and psychological. It is essential to recognize these signs early on to…

11 months ago