Categories: Coaching


The A.D.D. Resource Center coaches are committed to:



The Board Certified Coach (BCC), a certification developed by the Center for Credentialing & Education (CCE), identifies qualified individuals who have satisfied the established knowledge standards in coaching. Coaching is a career in which professionals have specialized education, training and experience to assess needs of clients, collaborate with clients on solutions, and offer strategies thatassist individuals and organizations in reaching identified goals.

Regardless of any other affiliations or credentials, this BCC Code of Ethics (Code) applies to eachindividual certified by CCE as a BCC (certificant), and each individual seeking BCC certification(applicant). The Code is designed to provide appropriate practice guidelines and enforceable standards of conduct for all certificants and applicants. The Code also serves as a resource for those served by BCC certificants and applicants (individuals and organizations), with respect to such standards and requirements. For the purposes of this policy, “client” refers to the person who receives direct services from the coach. “Sponsor” refers to the individual(s) or employer(s) who hire a coach to provideservices to employees or other individuals.

BCC certificants and applicants have the obligation to maintain high standards of integrity and conduct; act in a manner that protects the welfare and interests of clients; accept responsibility fortheir actions; act consistent with accepted ethical and legal standards; continually seek to enhance their occupational capabilities; and practice with fairness and honesty.



BCC certificants and applicants shall:

1. Comply with all applicable laws and governmental regulations relating to occupational activities.

2. Refrain from conduct or behavior that is contrary to legal or regulatory requirements.BCC Code of Ethics: Approved September 17, 2010 Page 2 of 4

3. Refrain from behavior involving dishonesty or fraud.

4. Refrain from unlawful discrimination in occupational activities, including age, race, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender orientation, religion, national origin or disability.

5. Avoid condoning or engaging in harassment, including deliberate or repeated unwelcomed comments, gestures or physical contact.

6. Maintain accurate records related to the coaching relationship for a period of five (5) years.

Records must include current data identifying the client and sponsor; fees schedule and payment documentation; coaching service agreement; purpose and goals of services; progress notes; referrals made; and date of coaching relationship termination. At the conclusion of the five year record maintenance period, certificants and applicants may dispose of coaching records in a manner that protects client privacy.

7. Disclose to appropriate governmental agencies and sponsors when a client appears to be a danger to or is otherwise unable to act safely concerning self or others. Such disclosures shall be consistent with the coaching service agreement as well as legal and occupational requirements.



BCC certificants and applicants shall:

1. Comply with all applicable CCE policies and procedures, including the BCC Code of Ethics and CCE Ethics Case Procedures, as amended or revised.

2. Provide accurate information to CCE.

3. Maintain the security of confidential CCE information and materials, including examination materials.

4. Cooperate with CCE concerning ethics matters, including the collection of information.

5. Inform and support others, such as employers, sponsors or coaches, regarding the responsibilities established by this Code.

6. Report an apparent violation of the BCC Code of Ethics by a certificant or an applicant upon a factual basis. BCC Code of Ethics: Approved September 17, 2010 Page of 4



BCC certificants and applicants shall:

1. Conduct all occupational activities in a responsible manner.

2. Recognize the limitations of coaching practice and qualifications, and provide services only when qualified. Certificants and applicants are responsible for determining the limits of their competency based on education, knowledge, skills, experience, credentials and other relevant considerations.

3. Protect the privacy of information obtained in the course of providing services, including electronic files and communications. Certificants and applicants shall not disclose this information unless authorized to do so by applicable legal requirements, client authorization or the written coaching agreement. The limits of privacy shall be clearly identified before
coaching services begin.

4. Properly use occupational credentials, titles and degrees; and provide accurate information concerning education, experience, qualifications and the performance of services.

5. Avoid coaching techniques that are harmful or have been shown to be ineffective. Certificants and applicants are responsible for ensuring that the techniques used are consistent with clients’ emotional, intellectual and physical needs. Certificants and applicants shall inform clients regarding the purpose, application and results of the techniques, assessments and strategies.

6. Obtain a written coaching service agreement before initiating a coaching relationship. This agreement shall include the rights, roles and responsibilities of the parties involved, as well as the manner in which private information will be protected.

7. Seek supervision from qualified professionals when necessary, and provide referrals when unable to provide appropriate assistance to a client as well as when terminating a service relationship.

8. Ensure that clients, sponsors and colleagues understand that coaching services are not counseling, therapy or psychotherapy services, and avoid providing counseling, therapy and psychotherapy. BCC Code of Ethics: Approved September 17, 2010 Page 4 of 4



BCC certificants and applicants shall:

1. Disclose to others, including sponsors, clients or colleagues, significant circumstances that could be construed as a potential or real conflict of interest, or any having an appearance of impropriety.

2. Avoid conduct that could cause a conflict of interest regarding clients or sponsors. If a conflict of interest occurs, certificants and applicants shall take reasonable steps to resolve the conflict.

3. Avoid engaging in multiple relationships with clients or sponsors. In situations where multiple relationships cannot be avoided, certificants and applicants shall discuss the potential effects of the relationships with the affected individuals and shall take reasonable steps to avoid any harm. This discussion should also be noted in the client’s record.

4. Avoid sexual or romantic relationships with current clients. Certificants and applicants shall not engage in sexual or romantic interactions with former clients for a minimum of two (2) years following the date of termination.

5. Refrain from offering or accepting significant payments, gifts or other forms of compensation or benefits outside of the written coaching service agreement.

6. Acknowledge accurately the intellectual property of others with respect to all activities. Approved by the CCE Board of Directors: September 17, 2010.

© 2010 Center for Credentialing & Education, Inc. (CCE)

© 2006 – 2015, by The ADD Resource Center. All Rights Reserved.

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