Avoiding unnecessary conflicts: Sometimes, speaking up can lead to
arguments or conflicts that could have been avoided if you had
remained silent. In such situations, choose your battles wisely
and avoid unnecessary confrontations.
Preventing hurtful comments: Silence can also be a way to prevent
yourself from saying something hurtful or offensive to others.
Sometimes, it’s best to think before you speak and ensure that your
words are constructive and positive.
Listening and learning: Remaining silent can also be a way to listen
and learn from others. By actively listening and taking in what others
have to say, you may gain a deeper understanding of a situation or
person. Listen to absorb, not to respond.
Maintaining confidentiality: In some situations, it may be better to
remain silent to maintain confidentiality or privacy. This is
particularly important in professional settings, where sensitive
information needs to be protected.
Honoring someone’s grief or pain: There are times when someone may be
experiencing grief or pain, and silence can be a way to honor their
emotions and allow them to express themselves without interruption.
Remember that remaining silent – listening and absorbing is extremely
difficult for many with ADHD. Avoid the “need” for conflict and the craving
for stimulation and excitement. It is possible to develop better listening
skills and self-control.
The ADD Resource Center – addrc.org – 646/205.8080 – info@addrc.org
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