If you have ADHD or think you might:
The A.D.D. Resource Center can help!

Psychopharmacologic Management of ADHD – Audio/Slides

Audio and Accompanying Slides by Dr. Heather Lewerenz, MD.

1.   Get the February NY CHADD slide presentation by Dr. Heather Lewerenz, MD:  Psychopharmacologic Management of ADHD


2.    Get the February NY CHADD audio portion by Dr. Heather Lewerenz, MD: Presentation of medication management strategies for ADHD.

Dr. Lewerenz is the Director of Manhattan Psychiatric Services in New York City and can be reached at (212) 868-5550

Reprinted with permission.  All rights reserved.

To view HUNDREDS of articles and videos on ADD/ADHD, go to addrc.org

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