If you have ADHD or think you might:
The A.D.D. Resource Center can help!

How to Actually Start the Task You’ve Been Avoiding by Peter Bregman

Think about something you’re having a hard time getting started on, something important to you. Maybe it’s a particular kind of work like writing a proposal or crafting a particularly delicate email. Maybe it’s an important conversation you know you need to have with someone that you haven’t had. Or, when you’ve had similar conversations … Read more

Do You Have a Treatment Monitoring Plan in Place for the New School Year?

When a child is diagnosed with ADHD, parents confront the difficult decision about which treatment(s) to pursue to best help their child succeed. While deciding on an initial treatment plan is important, equally important is establishing a plan to monitor how well that treatment is working on a sustained basis, regardless of what specific treatment(s) … Read more

Helping Students With Disabilities Understand Accommodations in College

High school educators can play an important role in preparing students to request accommodations in college. The transition to college is a challenging time for all students, and especially for students with disabilities who need to navigate the accommodations system at their new institution. A federal law, the Individuals With Disabilities Education Act, guarantees free … Read more

Trastorno de déficit de atención e hiperactividad Otros nombres: Deficiencia de atención, TDAH

Introducción ¿Es difícil que su hijo se esté quieto? ¿Su hijo actúa sin pensar primero? ¿Empieza por hacer algo y no lo termina? Si es así, es posible que padezca del trastorno de déficit de atención e hiperactividad (TDAH). Casi todas las personas a veces muestran algunas de estas conductas, pero el TDAH persiste más … Read more

Why College Students Don’t Regularly Use Their ADHD Meds

The transition to college is challenging for many students and can be especially difficult for those with ADHD. Many who have relied on parents to help them with organization and time management struggle when this help is less available.
Compared to what they were used to in high school, life for most college students is less structured and there are often large gaps between when class assignments are due. Many classes have no attendance policy and it is solely up to students to get themselves consistently to class. Read More…

Many choices seems promising until you actually have to choose

Summary:  People faced with more options than they can effectively consider want to make a good decision, but feel they’re unable to do so, according to the results of a novel study. Despite the apparent opportunities presented by a lot of options, the need to choose creates a ‘paralyzing paradox,’ according to the authors. ‘You want … Read more

ADHD: It is REAL – Check Out 240+ Years of History

by Susan Lasky | Oct 15, 2018 How ADD/ADHD Diagnostic Terminology (and Thinking) Has Changed ADHD is NOT a new or made-up disorder, contrary to what the skeptics have been saying for the 25+ years that I’ve been an ADD coach, diagnosed ADDult and parent of a now-grown child with ADHD. So respond to the critics by showing them more … Read more

5 Productivity Rituals Worth Trying Out

Start off by making your bed upon arising. 1.At the start of each day, fast-forward to the end of the day in your head and then ask yourself: by the time the day is done, what three main things will you want to have accomplished? This helps you identify whats actually important and consequential each … Read more

Mental Health Parity

The Paul Wellstone and Pete Domenici Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act of 2008 (MHPAEA) is a federal law that generally prevents group health plans and health insurance issuers that provide mental health or substance use disorder (MH/SUD) benefits from imposing less favorable benefit limitations on those benefits than on medical/surgical benefits. Read more … Read more

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