Tips for People Who Take Medication: COPING WITH HOT WEATHER
Some psychotropic medications can interfere with a person’s ability to regulate heat and their awareness that their body temperature is rising.
Some psychotropic medications can interfere with a person’s ability to regulate heat and their awareness that their body temperature is rising.
Shortage of ADHD medication
Can teens with ADHD tell when they are on medication?
One of the most consistently found adverse effects of ADHD is on inhibiting children’s learning. Does ADHD medication help children learn more?
Although medication treatment for ADHD has been shown to significantly reduce core ADHD symptoms in hundreds of studies, important concerns remain about it being prescribed inappropriately to children and teens who do not have ADHD. There is also evidence that many youth with ADHD who could potentially benefit from medication treatment do not receive it, and may realize poorer outcomes in as a result.
The possibility of drug interactions, direct toxicities, and contamination with active pharmaceutical agents are among the safety concerns about dietary and herbal supplements.
Medicine Assistance Tool (MAT) is a search engine designed to help patients, caregivers and health care providers learn more about the resources available through the various biopharmaceutical industry programs.
Adolescents frequently stop taking medication, and by age 18, less than 10% continue to take it. This is problematic given that symptoms often persist into young adulthood.
Do ADHD Drugs Help College Students Without ADHD? by Dr. David Rabiner Dr. Rabiner is a child clinical psychologist and Director of Undergraduate Studies in the Department of Psychology and Neuroscience at Duke University Over the past 15 years there has been growing awareness that many college students without an ADHD diagnosis use ADHD drugs. … Read more
This Medicine Assistance Tool (MAT) is a free-to-use search engine that focuses its searches on patient assistance resources available to eligible patients.