If you have ADHD or think you might:
The A.D.D. Resource Center can help!

COVID-19 and ADHD: The Pandemic’s Disproportionate Impact on ADHD

COVID-19 has specifically impacted individuals with ADHD across different age groups, shedding light on the exacerbated difficulties in managing ADHD symptoms, executive functioning, and the additional struggle with depression and anxiety. By examining case studies, this piece will delineate how COVID-19 and ADHD have intersected in terms of their effects on daily living, work, and academic performance.

Behavior Change Guidelines for Organization and Community Leaders

Republished from Coronavirusdiabetes.org CORONAVIRUS + DIABETES The global outbreak of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) has added new challenges, fears, and uncertainties for people living with diabetes, as members of the diabetes community are among the most vulnerable to serious complications caused by the virus. But there’s some good news: together we have the power to … Read more

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