If you have ADHD or think you might:
The A.D.D. Resource Center can help!

ADHD and Menopause: Understanding the Symptoms and Effective Management Strategies.

Managing ADHD symptoms becomes more challenging as you approach menopause. This hormonal shift, often a sign of hormone imbalance, intensifies the symptoms of ADHD, which makes it imperative for women, especially those previously diagnosed with ADHD or experiencing ADHD symptoms for the first time, to understand the intertwined nature of menopause and ADHD and its impact on overall wellbeing.

How should ADHD treatment begin?

Is it better to start with medication treatment and add behavior therapy if needed? Or, should behavior therapy come first with medication added if the child’s response is not sufficient? Or, is it always preferable to begin with combined treatment? Does the order in which treatment begins even make a difference?

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