If you have ADHD or think you might:
The A.D.D. Resource Center can help!

How to set up goals for your child using “S.M.A.R.T.” (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time-Bound).


How to set up goals for your child using “S.M.A.R.T.” (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time-Bound). This article is about setting goals for your child using the SMART method. It is also applicable to your child’s IEP, and for you with your own goals.

Beyond “Just Join a Club”: Understanding the Deep Roots of Modern Loneliness

Anyone who has experienced profound loneliness has heard these well-meaning but fundamentally misguided pieces of advice. While they sound reasonable – after all, meeting new people is technically a prerequisite for forming connections – this advice reveals a deep misunderstanding of what chronic loneliness actually is.

Why We Repeat Painful Relationship Patterns: A Deep Dive into Post-Divorce Dating with ADHD 

Our early relationships and attachment patterns create a blueprint for what love “feels like,” even when that blueprint is flawed. For people with ADHD, this pattern becomes more complex due to unique neurological factors

A Parent’s Guide to Post-Holiday School Refusal Strategies

When your child refuses to do attend classes after a break, you’re not alone. School refusal strategies become crucial during these transition periods, especially after extended holidays when established routines have dissolved into relaxed schedules. 

How to Turn a Negative Performance Review into Career Growth 

A negative performance review hits hard and leaves you searching for the proper response. 
Responding to a negative performance review in a professional way presents real challenges. Your first reaction might be defensive or emotional, but your response at this vital moment can affect your professional growth and career path. 

This piece will help you avoid common mistakes when addressing a poor performance review. You’ll learn proven strategies to direct yourself through this tough situation. The experience, though difficult, can become a real chance to grow and improve.

Finding Your Own Path: Balancing Parental Expectations

Self management

Recent studies from the American Psychological Association reveal that 73% of young adults report significant stress from parental expectations. They’re navigating a rapidly changing world while carrying expectations shaped by their parents’ more traditional experiences.”

A Better Way to Connect With Your Child After The School Day


Harold Robert Meyer and The ADD Resource Center Dear Parents, Instead of asking, “How was school today?” – a question that often gets a quick “fine” or “okay” – try asking your child, “Who did you help today?” This simple change in questioning serves multiple purposes: Even if your child didn’t help anyone that day, the question … Read more

The ADHD Coach’s Paradox: Managing Others While Navigating Your Own Journey 

Your ability to help others while managing personal challenges isn’t hypocrisy – it’s a natural phenomenon rooted in how your ADHD brain works. When you’re helping others, you engage different neural pathways than when managing your own tasks. You’re operating from an external perspective, free from the emotional baggage and executive function challenges that often overwhelm you in your personal life.

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