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How to Actually Start the Task You’ve Been Avoiding by Peter Bregman

Think about something you’re having a hard time getting started on, something important to you. Maybe it’s a particular kind of work like writing a proposal or crafting a particularly delicate email. Maybe it’s an important conversation you know you need to have with someone that you haven’t had. Or, when you’ve had similar conversations … Read more

Many choices seems promising until you actually have to choose

Summary:  People faced with more options than they can effectively consider want to make a good decision, but feel they’re unable to do so, according to the results of a novel study. Despite the apparent opportunities presented by a lot of options, the need to choose creates a ‘paralyzing paradox,’ according to the authors. ‘You want … Read more

5 Productivity Rituals Worth Trying Out

Start off by making your bed upon arising. 1.At the start of each day, fast-forward to the end of the day in your head and then ask yourself: by the time the day is done, what three main things will you want to have accomplished? This helps you identify whats actually important and consequential each … Read more

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