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Working From Home – Tips & Tricks

Work from Home

Create habits for success Changing from an in-office/lab environment to working from home represents a change in routine for most of us.  Many of us are creatures of habit, so alternations to our routines (morning rituals, commutes, office space, interaction with co-workers, etc.) require an adjustment period.  Here are some tips for making the adjustment a bit easier: Get … Read more

13 Useful Things for Your Work From Home Life

These links are affiliate links for The ADD Resource Center. We get a small payment if you purchase thru us. Working from home is a new experience for many people. Things that were provided, or not necessary in the office, might be particularly useful at home. This is our first list of useful things for … Read more

It’s Almost Tax Time – Getting Your Financial Records in Order

Personal income tax is due in April, and getting your financial records ready in time is difficult, even for people without ADHD. To help you efficiently get through it all without feeling overwhelmed, think of the process of tax prep as a project with various tasks to complete throughout the month. Below are seven tasks you can create to help make reporting income tax a more feasible project to complete.

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