If you have ADHD or think you might:
The A.D.D. Resource Center can help!

Why Do Some People with ADHD Unconsciously Sabotage Their Relationships?

One of the key factors in understanding why some people with ADHD unconsciously sabotage a relationship is the difficulty they face in maintaining focus and staying organized. The impulsivity and distractibility associated with ADHD can lead to forgetfulness, missed deadlines, and a lack of follow-through, all of which can strain a relationship. A partner with ADHD can often leave the other person feeling neglected or unimportant.

When Emotions are High, How Can One Still Listen Objectively and Understand the Other Person?

When emotions are high, it can be tempting to focus solely on expressing our own thoughts and feelings. However, true communication requires more than just speaking; it involves actively listening and understanding the other person’s perspective. By doing so, we can foster empathy, build stronger relationships, and find mutually beneficial solution

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