Mary Fowler | Speaking With Your Child’s Educators.
Audio presentation by Mary Fowler on How to stop going in circles and actually get somewhere with your child’s educators.
Audio presentation by Mary Fowler on How to stop going in circles and actually get somewhere with your child’s educators.
Parents often feel the need to snoop into their teen’s private life; but, when is it appropriate and when is it not? Giving a child privacy as to what they hide in his or her room is a privilege for being trustworthy. However, if your child is partaking in an incriminating habit/behavior, it may be necessary to “spy†on him or her. There are effective ways to “spy†on your child, and there are proper ways to confront your child about what you, the parent, discovers.
¿Cuáles son las señas de la TDAH? TDAH es la abreviación de trastorno por déficit de atención e hiperactividad. Los niños con TDAH pueden tener un comportamiento hiperactivo, falta de atención y dificultad para concentrarse. La mayorÃa de los niños con TDAH tienen señas tanto de hiperactividad como de problemas de atención. Sin embargo, algunos … Read more
Audio presentation by Dr. Abikoff focuses on two ADHD topics during his presentation.
Descargue el archivo PDF aquà This information has been placed in the Public Domain. To view HUNDREDS of articles and videos on ADD/ADHD, go to 646/205.8080
Written by Harold Robert Meyer, MBA, BCC, SCAC and Susan Karyn Lasky, M.S., BCC, SCAC Si usted tiene, o sospecha tener un niño con un Trastorno por Déficit de la Atención (TDA) o con un Trastorno por Déficit de la Atención con Hiperactividad (TDAH) es probable que tenga que consultar, en algún momento, con un … Read more