If you have ADHD or think you might:
The A.D.D. Resource Center can help!

Younger age of first cannabis use or prescription drug misuse is associated with faster development of substance use disorders

A new study shows that in the time after first trying cannabis or first misusing prescription drugs, the percentages of young people who develop the corresponding substance use disorder are higher among adolescents (ages 12-17) than young adults (ages 18-25).

ADHD: Controversy, Key Research Findings, Rising Prevalence, and Promise

This video is 1 hour and 5 minutes long. Dr. Stephen Hinshaw of The University of California, San Francisco and The University of California, Berkeley will discuss the many controversies surrounding attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), basing the presentation in scientific findings rather than the myths that so often surround the topic. Included will be processes … Read more

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