If you have ADHD or think you might:
The A.D.D. Resource Center can help!

COVAD-19 What to do.

Hello!   First off, I hope you’re healthy and as isolated as possible in these jittery times.    If you are working from home maintain the same schedule as if you were at work. If your kids are at home make sure to schedule their day. Discuss your fears (and theirs) about COVAD-19 with your … Read more

Anxious people worry about risk, not loss

Life is a series of choices. Every time you make a decision, there is a possibility that things won’t go as expected (risk) or that something bad will happen (loss). Aversion to risk and loss have powerful influences on how we make decisions. In a new paper researchers studied the influence of risk and loss aversion in people with anxiety, a disorder characterized by debilitating avoidance behavior and difficulties making daily-life decisions.

ADHD Tools for 2019

From all of us at the ADD Resource Center, we wish you a very happy 2019! The beginning of a new year is a great time to set yourself up for success by becoming more organized which in turn will help you be more productive, more mindful and less stressed. Check out our tool recommendations … Read more

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