If you have ADHD or think you might:
The A.D.D. Resource Center can help!

Working From Home – Tips & Tricks

Work from Home

Create habits for success Changing from an in-office/lab environment to working from home represents a change in routine for most of us.  Many of us are creatures of habit, so alternations to our routines (morning rituals, commutes, office space, interaction with co-workers, etc.) require an adjustment period.  Here are some tips for making the adjustment a bit easier: Get … Read more

Stress and the Importance of Self-Care

How Does Stress Feel? Learning how your body reacts when you become stressed and looking for those signs in the future can help reduce the physical effects. Here are some common signs of stress: Feeling angry, irritable or easily frustrated Trouble sleeping or wanting to sleep all the time Losing your temper with others Headaches … Read more

Bipolar Disorders

Download PDF Download ePub Order a free hardcopy En Español Do you feel very happy and outgoing—or very irritable—on some days, but unusually sad or anxious on other days? Do the “up” periods go along with increased energy or activity? Do the “downs” go along with low energy, hopelessness, or inability to enjoy what you … Read more

Anxiety at a Glance – Other Complementary Approaches

Anxiety at a Glance Anxiety is a feeling of worry, nervousness, or fear about an event or situation. It’s normal for people to feel anxious in response to stress. Sometimes, however, anxiety becomes a severe, persistent problem that’s hard to control and affects day-to-day life; if you have this type of problem, you may have … Read more

Behavior Change Guidelines for Organization and Community Leaders

Republished from Coronavirusdiabetes.org CORONAVIRUS + DIABETES The global outbreak of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) has added new challenges, fears, and uncertainties for people living with diabetes, as members of the diabetes community are among the most vulnerable to serious complications caused by the virus. But there’s some good news: together we have the power to … Read more

Do ADHD Drugs Help College Students Without ADHD?

Do ADHD Drugs Help College Students Without ADHD? by Dr. David Rabiner Dr. Rabiner is a child clinical psychologist and Director of Undergraduate Studies in the Department of Psychology and Neuroscience at Duke University Over the past 15 years there has been growing awareness that many college students without an ADHD diagnosis use ADHD drugs. … Read more

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