The Effects of ADHD on Communication
A closer look at ADD/ADHD effects on communication through: Talk the Talk, Speech and ADHD, Communication and ADHD, Pragmatics and ADHD, and Actions Speak Louder than Words.
A closer look at ADD/ADHD effects on communication through: Talk the Talk, Speech and ADHD, Communication and ADHD, Pragmatics and ADHD, and Actions Speak Louder than Words.
A dysfunctional family does not cause ADHD, however, it does not help those within the family that have ADHD, and those with ADHD can cause dysfunction in a family.
Better self-esteem in children leads to better self-growth.
A new approach to help parents combat their explosive and inflexible AD/HD diagnosed children.
When teens with ADHD take reckless risks, their parents are understandably upset. But grounding the teen or yanking his driver’s license can backfire.
Learn about Social Security Disability benefits for Children with ADHD.
Chart demonstrating the prevalence and demographics of ADHD in children.
An audio presentation by Cindy Goldrich on how to help your ADD/ADHD children thrive.
You are a regular teen, but you have ADHD. You may wonder how this will affect your future, and what issues you may have to face. Thus, how do you effectively treat your uniqueness in order to more easily and quickly find your passion and reach your goals?