If you have ADHD or think you might:
The A.D.D. Resource Center can help!

Working From Home – Tips & Tricks

Work from Home

Create habits for success Changing from an in-office/lab environment to working from home represents a change in routine for most of us.  Many of us are creatures of habit, so alternations to our routines (morning rituals, commutes, office space, interaction with co-workers, etc.) require an adjustment period.  Here are some tips for making the adjustment a bit easier: Get … Read more

How to approach choice and decision-making in our everyday lives when you have ADHD

Occam’s razor (or Ockham’s razor) is a philosophical principle designed to help determine the truth, or at least the most likely explanation. When there are multiple explanations or possibilities, the first line should be to go with the simplest choice. The more assumptions you have to make, the more unlikely an explanation is. Occam’s razor states that the simplest or most obvious explanation is … Read more

How to Select a Professional to Work with You and/or Your Child

Choosing a professional or other specialists to help counsel, diagnose or treat you or your child with ADHD can be tricky. It is important to find a specialist that is a good fit for you or your child. The right match can be found with help from this guide that provides strategies and tips for searching for the right professionals, interviews with counselors, the roles of the parents throughout the process, questions to ask specialists, etc.

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